Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Brighton is the top for music in the UK

Well, we always knew that Brighton was the best for everything anyway, but it has now been declared the top for music in the UK by Internet radio station Dandelion Radio.

If you're wondering how this was worked out, Dandelion Radion say "The formula used is to look at the number of bands/artists from the town who gained an entry in the festive fifty (run for many years by John Peel, and since his death by us at Dandelion) and compare this with the size of the town's population at the last census. From this, we can generate a ratio that, Brighton's case, works out at 1:10,330, as Brighton has produced 13 entries from a population of 134,293. Its nearest challenger, Oxford, has a ratio of 1:13,001."

Check out Dandelion Radio for Mark Whitby's Brighton show that will be streaming throughout the month.

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