Tuesday, 7 September 2010

October Yoga Nidra Workshop in Brighton

There's a great article on today's The Brighton Magazine all about meditation, what it is and the benefits you get from it.

Sometimes meditation can sound very complicated or detached from reality, so it is refreshing to be able to read, and even learn about it, in a common sense practical way.

The article on The Brighton Magazine gives some basic information on meditation in an easy to read format avoiding jargon, so you understand meditation is neither a new age fad nor a complicated spiritual practice. Maybe it is something anybody can learn and benefit from - lets hope so.

There is also information about a new monthly meditation workshop starting on October 9th. The workshops are three hours long (10am to 1pm) on a Saturday and they are taught by Brighton meditation instructor Andy Lucas. He teaches using Yoga Nidra as well as some NLP and some other influences including the Huna tradition.

There is more information about Andy's Brighton Meditation Classes on his website as well as some interesting stuff about how he teaches Yoga Nidra in Brighton.

Associated Links:
Brighton Magazine
Brighton Magazine - Brighton Meditation article
Brighton Meditation Classes
Brighton Yoga Nidra Workshops
What is Yoga Nidra
Booking your place on the next Brighton Yoga Nidra Workshop

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